Java Spring Framework 4 and Spring Certification

Java Spring Framework 4 and Spring Certification
Learn how to use Spring Framework in commercial environments and pass successfully your Core Spring Certification 4, Created by Tuna Tore

Welcome to Java Spring Framework 4 and Core Spring Certification Preparation/Training course. 
By attending this course, you will be able to learn the details of the latest Spring Framework 4x version by following code samples.

This course also provides you the answers to all Core Spring Framework 4x Certification questions inside the official study guide. (in total 162 questions). Therefore, after completing this course, you will learn the answers of questions with code examples and able to pass the certification.

Moreover, you will be able to earn a higher salary hence you will learn the latest and productive web development technologies and this course will also improve your knowledge about programming by teaching you the Spring Framework's dependency injection principle. So at the end of this course, you will be more confident regarding the development of commercial applications.

The course will start with the configuration of the course environment such as downloading and installing the Java JDK and STS (Spring Tool Suite). I will also provide for you the links for downloading the source codes and slides used in this course. By downloading those materials, you will be able to configure your environment and also other commercial applications in an easy way. This course will provide you two sample application including the configurations of Spring Framework and its dependencies; one of them is configured as a Java Standard Edition program and the other one is a Web-based application. (names are spring, spring-web)

The content of the course is based on the following sections;

Spring Container, Dependency, and IOC (Inversion of Control)
Aspect Oriented Programming
JDBC, Transactions, and ORM (Hibernate)

  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Messaging (JMS)
  • REST
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Library Management with Maven

If you attend this course, I will also answer all of your questions related to the course or code examples through comments. You will be able to ask me any questions related to the Spring Framework or Core Spring Certification through udemy, emails and the contact form inside my technical blog.

  • Installing Spring Tool Suite and Java JDK 8.0
  • Learn how to use Maven by editing pom xml for library management
  • Provides information about Core Spring Framework 4.x certification and passing scores
  • You will learn how to debug, test and run Spring Framework applications
  • Understand how to use Spring Framework's Container
  • Understand how to use constructor and setter injection works
  • Learn the bean life cycle in Spring Framework
  • Understand the usage of BeanFactoryPostProcessors and BeanPostProcessors
  • How to use @ComponentScan annotation
  • Understand the usage of <context:component-scan/> tag in application-context xml file
  • How to define scopes for beans in XML configuration and annotation configuration
  • How to use @Bean annotation with @Scope annotation
  • How to configure PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in XML configuration or Java based Configuration
  • How to use @Autowired and @Qualifier annotations
  • How to use @PostConstruct and @Predestroy JSR-250 annotations
  • How to configure init-method and destroy-method in Spring XML Configuration
  • Understand how to use <bean/> tag in XML configuration
  • How to use <context-annotation-config> tag in XML configuration
  • How to use ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext and AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
  • How to configure JUnit with Spring Framework applications
  • How to use @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class)
  • How to use @ContextConfiguration
  • Understand the usage of @Value annotation
  • Learn how to configure profiles with @Profile annotation
  • Learn how to use Bean Inheritance in Spring Framework
  • How use abstract beans in Spring Framework
  • How to use <context:property-placeholder/>
  • How to configure PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer in JavaConfig
  • How to implement FactoryBean interface in Spring Framework
  • How to use @Configuration annotation in Spring Framework
  • How to define AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
  • How to use AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests
  • How to implement ApplicationContextAware interface
  • See how to use <util:properties/> in XML configuration files
  • Understand how to use basic SpEL (Spring Expression Language) in properties
  • How to define inner beans in XML configuration
  • How to get beans from application-context xml with getBean() method
  • How to close Application Context with ConfigurableApplicationContext
  • How to use @PropertySource annotation
  • Understand the usage of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Learn cross-cutting concerns in programming
  • Learn the following concepts; pointcut, joinpoint, advice and aspect
  • How to use @Aspect annotation
  • Learn how to use <aop:config>, <aop:pointcut>, <aop:after>, <aop:before>, <aop:after-throwing>, <aop:after-returning>, <aop:around> and <aop:aspect> tags in XML configuration
  • Understand the usage of @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation
  • Understand the usage of <aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
  • How to define named pointcuts
  • Learn how to use @Pointcut, @Before, @After, @AfterThrowing, @AfterReturning and @Around annotations
  • Learn the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java Programming
  • Learn DataAccessException in Spring Framework
  • Learn how to define DriverManagerDataSource or BasicDataSource in XML configuration
  • Understand how to use JDBCTemplate when accessing databases
  • Learn how to define <jdbc:embedded-database/> and <jdbc:script/>
  • Learn the usages of RowMapper, RowCallbackHandler, and ResultSetExtractor
  • Learn how to define DataSourceTransactionManager
  • How to use @Transactional annotation
  • Understand how to use TransactionTemplate
  • Learn the usage of Propagation object
  • Learn the usage of @Transactional(rollbackFor=YourExceptionclass)
  • Learn the usage of @Transactional(noRollbackFOr=YourExceptionclass)
  • Learn the usage of @Rollback(value=false) annotation
  • Learn how to configure entityManagerFactory with Hibernate in Spring Framework
  • How to use @Entity and @PersistentContext annotations
  • Understand what is MVC (Model View Controller)
  • How to use DispatcherServlet
  • Understand how to edit web xml file for configurations
  • Understand the usage of @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations
  • How to configure SimpleUrlHandlerMapping using XML configuration
  • How to configure ContextLoaderListener in web xml
  • How to define <contextConfigLocation/> tag in web xml
  • How to use @RequestParam and @PathVariable annotations
  • Understand the usage of ModelAndView
  • How to define InternalResourceViewResolver in configuration files
  • How to define DelegatingFilterProxy in web xml
  • How to use <intercept-url/> in Spring Security
  • How to use @Secured and @RolesAllowed annotations
  • Understand the usage of <authentication-manager/> tag in Spring Security
  • Understand the usage of <password-encoder/>
  • How to configure <salt-source/> in Spring Security
  • Understand how to define <jdbc-user-service/>
  • How to configure <access-denied-handler/>
  • Understand how to configure <form-login/> in Spring Secuirty
  • Understand how to use JMS (Java Message Service) in Spring Framework
  • How to use JMSTemplate
  • How to implement MessageListener interface
  • Learn how to configure ApacheMQ for messaging in Spring Framework
  • Learn how to configure <jms:listener-container/>
  • Learn how to use topics and queues
  • How to configure MDP (Message Drivern POJOs)
  • How to develop REST web services with Spring Framework
  • How to use <mvc:annotation-driven /> and @EnableWebMvc
  • How to use RequestMethod types in Spring Framework
  • How to use @ReponseBody, @RestController, @ExceptionHandler and @ResponseStatus annotations
  • How to use RestTemplate in Spring Framework
  • HD quality (full screen) recorded course content and you will be able to see the source code clearly (HD format) if you attend this udemy course as a student.

Warning: This udemy course is especially for studying/preparing Core Spring Certification and does not include live coding lectures.

Who is the target audience?

  • Programmers with the basic knowledge of Java
  • Java Programmers/Developers interested in learning the usage of latest Spring Framework 4.x
  • Web developers planning to learn Spring MVC components
  • Programmers interested in learning Spring Framework for developing commercial applications
  • University Students planning to do web applications using Spring Framework
  • Back-end or Front-end Web Developers
  • Junior, Senior or Expert Developers interested in understanding the usage of Spring Framework

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