Udemy - Awesome Apps with React Hooks and Firebase, Learn cutting-edge React along with the most popular serverless framework by building a Hacker News Clone
HOT & NEW | Created by Reed Barger | English [Auto-generated]
This course includes
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What you'll learn
Want to build stunning, blazing-fast web apps with the best in React development? This is the course for you.
In this course, you'll get the entire plan on building full-stack, serverless applications that harness the latest and greatest features in the React ecosystem on top of the Firebase platform.
In this course, we’ll see how to bring React Hooks and Firebase as well as Firestore together to build a complete Hacker News Clone from zero to deployment. It looks and works exactly like the original Hacker News site, but with some added features.
We’ll cover tons of concepts throughout the process of making it—how to authenticate users with Firebase in-depth, adding comments, upvoting stories, and creating, modified and persisting shared link data all in realtime with our Firestore database, writing multiple reusable Hooks for essential tasks in our app, building and deploy serverless Firebase functions for added functionality, and much more...
Rock solid patterns for using / integrating Firebase with React
Full CRUD Functionality with the Firestore Realtime Database
Building and Using your Own Custom React Hooks with Firebase
Managing Global App State with React Context and the useContext Hook
Firebase Authentication with Login / Register
Reset Password Functionality for Returning Users
User Authorization and Handling Unauthorized Actions
In-Depth Routing Concepts with React Router 5
How to Implement Cursor-based Pagination
Sorting, Ordering and Limiting Documents with Firestore Queries
Full-Text Search Functionality
Realtime Subscriptions upon Data Changes with Firestore
Building and Deploying Serverless Firebase Functions
Working with the Firebase Tools CLI
Seamless App Deployment with Firebase Hosting
Using Date Fns to Format Time
I’ve wanted to work with Hooks and Firebase for quite a while now, and if you have as well, you’ll know here’s very little content on how to make real-world apps using Hooks (aside from my two other courses, of course :P), and even less on how to integrate them with Firebase.
This course was created to fill that gap. You’ll get the entire plan for combining them to supercharge your own app development by writing less code to do what you want within your apps.
I really enjoyed making this course and I think you’ll enjoy taking it just as much.
Looking forward to seeing you within the course!
Who this course is for:
HOT & NEW | Created by Reed Barger | English [Auto-generated]
- 2.5 hours on-demand video
- 21 downloadable resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
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What you'll learn
- Build amazing realtime, serverless apps with React Hooks & Firebase + Firestore
- Learn how to use cutting edge React features with the most popular serverless platform
- Create and ship high-quality web apps
Want to build stunning, blazing-fast web apps with the best in React development? This is the course for you.
In this course, you'll get the entire plan on building full-stack, serverless applications that harness the latest and greatest features in the React ecosystem on top of the Firebase platform.
In this course, we’ll see how to bring React Hooks and Firebase as well as Firestore together to build a complete Hacker News Clone from zero to deployment. It looks and works exactly like the original Hacker News site, but with some added features.
We’ll cover tons of concepts throughout the process of making it—how to authenticate users with Firebase in-depth, adding comments, upvoting stories, and creating, modified and persisting shared link data all in realtime with our Firestore database, writing multiple reusable Hooks for essential tasks in our app, building and deploy serverless Firebase functions for added functionality, and much more...
Rock solid patterns for using / integrating Firebase with React
Full CRUD Functionality with the Firestore Realtime Database
Building and Using your Own Custom React Hooks with Firebase
Managing Global App State with React Context and the useContext Hook
Firebase Authentication with Login / Register
Reset Password Functionality for Returning Users
User Authorization and Handling Unauthorized Actions
In-Depth Routing Concepts with React Router 5
How to Implement Cursor-based Pagination
Sorting, Ordering and Limiting Documents with Firestore Queries
Full-Text Search Functionality
Realtime Subscriptions upon Data Changes with Firestore
Building and Deploying Serverless Firebase Functions
Working with the Firebase Tools CLI
Seamless App Deployment with Firebase Hosting
Using Date Fns to Format Time
I’ve wanted to work with Hooks and Firebase for quite a while now, and if you have as well, you’ll know here’s very little content on how to make real-world apps using Hooks (aside from my two other courses, of course :P), and even less on how to integrate them with Firebase.
This course was created to fill that gap. You’ll get the entire plan for combining them to supercharge your own app development by writing less code to do what you want within your apps.
I really enjoyed making this course and I think you’ll enjoy taking it just as much.
Looking forward to seeing you within the course!
Who this course is for:
- Programmers looking to build amazing serverless apps
- React developers looking to use Hooks in real-world projects
- Developers interested in learning in the most practical manner
Enroll Now -> Awesome Apps with React Hooks and Firebase
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