Modern Freelancing Website In PHP&MYSQLI With Bootstrap 4, Learn advanced freelancing website In php&mysqli with bootstrap 4 with its complete functionalities in a single course.
Created by Mohammad Tahir Ahmed, English, English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- Students will learn to make Fully Responsive Design - shows beautifully on different devices.
- Students will learn to make Buyer Requests Section - Complete system for sending buyers requests for sellers.
- Students will learn to make Submitting An Offer Functionality On Buyers Requests.
- Students will learn Creating Proposals
- Students will learn to make Featured Proposals
- Students will learn to add Video In Proposals
- Students will learn to add Custom Proposal Video Player
- Students will learn to make Manage Selling Proposals Sales (Active, DELIVERED, Completed, Cancelled, All)
- Students will learn to make Manage Buying Proposals Purchases (Active, DELIVERED, Completed, Cancelled, All)
- Students will learn to make Proposals Coupons For Discount System
- Students will learn to make PayPal & stripe integration for buying proposals
- Students will learn to make Proposals Favorites System
- Students will learn to make Proposals Reviews & ratings System
- Students will learn to make share Proposals on social media networks using buttons
- Students will learn to make Admin Proposals Approval/Validation System
- Students will learn to make SEO Friendly Proposals Url's
- Students will learn to make Inbox Conversations System
- Students will learn to make E-Mail notification for new messages System
- Students will learn to make E-Mail notification for new Orders System
- Students will learn to make Advanced Notifications System
- Students will learn to make Google ReCaptcha System Functionality
- Students will learn to make Password strengthen functionality
- Students will learn to make Advanced Level Filters for searching online,offline and top levels proposals
- Students will learn to make Withdrawal Minimum Limit - only let users request a withdrawal if their available balance is more than the set amount.
- Students will learn to make Set Days Before Withdrawals
- Students will learn to make PayPal Withdrawals System
- Students will learn to make Stripe/PayPal Payment System
- Students will learn to make Pay via Shopping Account Balance
- Students will learn to make Referral System
- Students will learn to make Encrypted Encoded Passwords
- Students will learn to make Sellers Levels System
- Students will learn to make Sellers SEO friendly Url's
- Students will learn to make Seller Skills Functionality
- Students will learn to make Seller Languages Functionality
- Students will learn to make Customer Support Center Inquiry Type Functionality
- You can Manage your Contacts (Buyers,Sellers)
- Students will learn to make Advanced User Account Settings
- Students will learn to make Terms & Conditions Page
- Students will learn making a dynamic and responsive admin with full functionalities to control the website
- Admin can Login as a User in any account
- Admin Can Add Review
- Admin Can Block/Ban Users Accounts System
- Resolution Center Functionality for giving the authority to admin to resolve any dispute between seller and buyer.
- Orders Revision Request,Cancellation Request,Decline Cancellation Request Functionality
- Students will learn to make Orders Percentage Commissions System
- Students will learn to make Categories and sub categories
- Students will learn to make Admin Panel Custom CSS
- Students will learn to make Admin Panel Files
- In short, at the end of my course,students will be able to make any kind of advance freelancing website in php&mysqli with the assistance of bootstrap 4.
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