Your Second JavaScript Course

Your Second JavaScript Course
Your Second JavaScript Course, Learn new syntaxes, fill up knowledge loopholes, understand how JS works under the hood and win job interviews!
NEW, Created by OnlyKiosk Tech, English, English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • Understand how JavaScript works: queue, stack, heap, stack overflow, event loop, task queue, etc.
  • Master ES6 new syntaxes: let, map, set, Symbol, iterator, generator, reflect, promise, proxy, etc.
  • Destructuring assignment
  • Completely understand the JavaScript inheritance and the prototype chain
  • ES6 Module and CommonJS
  • Constructors and classes
  • Real-life creative ways of designing constructors and inheritance programs
  • The strict mode
  • Tail call optimization
  • Recursion
  • Deep and shallow object copy
  • Two-way data binding

About this course:

This is a JavaScript enhancement course, designed to help junior JavaScript developers gain a wider and deeper understanding of JavaScript.

If you want to take the leap from a junior JavaScript developer to a senior one, then you have found the right course.

What you will learn: 

You will learn ES6 new features like destructuring assignment, async/await, reflect, proxy, symbol, iterator, generator, etc.

Then you will learn the JavaScript object system and prototypal inheritance in the most detailed way. You will learn every methods the Object constructor has.

To completely understand how JavaScript works, you will learn advanced topics like thread, process, stack, queue, heap, task queue, event loop, recursion, deep and shallow object copy, etc.

What you will achieve:

After this course, you will develop a solid JavaScript knowledge base and most importantly, gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works under the hood. These knowledge can help you create more efficient programs and succeed in job interviews.

If you need to learn JS frameworks like Vue, React, Angular, a solid knowledge foundation in JavaScript can tremendously accelerate your study.

Throughout the course, you will also learn how to answer questions that are frequently seen in job interviews.

Content highlights:

Lecture 1, 2: Everything you need to know about var and let [FREE Preview]

Lecture 6: Closure  [FREE Preview]

Lecture 63, 64, 65, 66: The JavaScript prototype chain

Lecture 80: two-way data binding

Lecture 98: Data structure: Queue, Stack and Heap  [FREE Preview]

Lecture 121: Event loop

Lecture 103: Interview challenges: predict the result of the following programs using event loop, marco and micro task queue

Lecture 105, 106: tail call optimization

Lecture 109, 110, 111, 112: creative inheritance program design

Lecture 115, 116: 'Deep' copy and assign objects

Please Note: This is NOT a beginner course and does not cover JS DOM and jQuery.

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