Top 3 Programming Languages 2020 Ultimate Package + SQL

Top 3 Programming Languages 2020 Ultimate Package + SQL
Top 3 Programming Languages 2020 Ultimate Package + SQL, Python 3 + Java + JavaScript and SQL Courses in One Package! Four Languages for the Price of One!
Created by Alex Smith, English, English [Auto-generated]


Learning One programming language will NOT land you a JOB, nor make you a Successful Programmer in 2020.

I am a Team Leader in Microsoft and we do not not accept programming Mono-Lingual individuals.

Learn the TOP 4 programming languages in 2020 plus a bonus language all for the price of One.

All programmers know only one language, Be from 1% who are professionals in more than two programming languages.

Do not waste your time on extended courses that do not teach you how to become a practical, pragmatic and High-Value programmer.

This package contains the Ultimate Beginner to Intermediate Python 3, Java, JavaScript and SQL Master Classes all in One Course.

This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a corresponding assignment for practical knowledge! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!

We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!

We cover a wide variety of topics, including:


Installing Python 3

Your First Python Program

How Python Code Gets Executed

How Long It Takes To Learn Python


Receiving Input

Python Cheat Sheet

Type Conversion


Formatted Strings

String Methods

Arithmetic Operations

Operator Precedence

Math Functions

If Statements

Logical Operators

Comparison Operators

Weight Converter Program

While Loops

Building a Guessing Game

Building the Car Game

For Loops

Nested Loops


2D Lists

My Complete Python Course

List Methods




Emoji Converter



Keyword Arguments

Return Statement

Creating a Reusable Function








Generating Random Values

Working with Directories

Pypi and Pip

Project 1: Automation with Python

Project 2: Machine Learning with Python

Project 3: Building a Website with Django

In the Java section of this course you will gain Theoretical and Practical Knowledge with every lecture as it comes a corresponding assignments! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn

(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)


Installing Java

Anatomy of a Java Program

Your First Java Program

Cheat Sheet

How Java Code Gets Executed

Course Structure



Primitive Types

Reference Types

Primitive Types vs Reference Types


Escape Sequences


Multi-Dimensional Arrays


Arithmetic Expressions

Order of Operations


The Math Class

Formatting Numbers

Reading Input

Project: Mortgage Calculator

Solution: Mortgage Calculator

Types Summary

Control Flow

Comparison Operators

Logical Operators

If Statements

Simplifying If Statements

The Ternary Operator

Switch Statements

Exercise: FizzBuzz

For Loops

While Loops

Do...While Loops

Break and Continue

For-Each Loop

Project: Mortgage Calculator

Solution: Mortgage Calculator

Control Flow Summary

Clean Coding

Best Database Management System!    SQL(domain-specific language)

If you're looking for a complete SQL tutorial for beginners with examples, this tutorial is a great way to learn SQL basics. Just follow through and you'll be able to write SQL queries in no time.


What is SQL?

Cheat Sheet

Installing MySQL on Mac

Installing MySQL on Windows

Creating the Databases for this Course

The SELECT Statement

The SELECT Clause

The WHERE Clause

The AND, OR, and NOT Operators

The IN Operator

The BETWEEN Operator

The LIKE Operator

The REGEXP Operator

The IS NULL Operator

The ORDER BY Operator

The LIMIT Operator

Inner Joins

Joining Across Databases

Self Joins

Joining Multiple Tables

Compound Join Conditions

Implicit Join Syntax

Outer Joins

Outer Join Between Multiple Tables

Self Outer Joins

The USING Clause

Natural Joins

Cross Joins


Column Attributes

Inserting a Single Row

Inserting Multiple Rows

Inserting Hierarchical Rows

Creating a Copy of a Table

Updating a Single Row

Updating Multiple Rows

Using Sub-queries in Updates

Deleting Rows

Restoring Course Databases

I've designed this JavaScript tutorial for beginners to learn JavaScript from scratch. We'll start off by answering the frequently asked questions by beginners about JavaScript and shortly after we'll set up our development environment and start coding.

If you want to become a front-end developer, you have to learn JavaScript. It is the programming language that every front-end developer must know.

What is JavaScript

Setting Up the Development Environment

JavaScript in Browsers

Separation of Concerns

JavaScript in Node



Primitive Types

Dynamic Typing




Types of Functions

You will get lifetime access to over 130 lectures plus corresponding Assignment for the lectures! which are practically useful unlike notebooks.

This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep access to the Exercises and Assignments as a thank you for trying out the course!

So what are you waiting for? Learn Python, Java, JavaScript and SQL in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!

To be the most High Value Programmer

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