MERN Stack Master Course - Building your own Instagram, Build Your own Instagram with React, Express, Node.js & MongoDB
NEW, Created by Mukesh phulwani, English, English [Auto-generated]
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js - and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications
In this course we will be building FULL FLEDGED INSTAGRAM website and it will be a lots of fun as we building this together.
This course covers -
Building an backend API with Node.js & Express
Testing API using Postman
JWT based authentication
Image upload
Context API for state management
React Hooks
React Router hooks
Protecting routes or endpoints
Sending Emails
Forgot & Reset Password
This course is NOT an introduction course to React & Node js. It is fully hands on course for building full stacks websites using MERN
Build your own Node API with MongoDB to communicate with your React App for performing CRUD operations with Login System
Learn to build highly scalable MERN Stack app with AWS for Storage (S3) Email (SES) Hosting (EC2) IAM and more
Build Ultimate Authentication Boilerplate Project with MERN Stack from Scratch to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers
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