AWS Lambda & Serverless - Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs

AWS Lambda & Serverless - Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs

AWS Lambda & Serverless - Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs
, Develop thousands line of aws lambda functions interact to aws serverless services with real-world hands-on labs

Created by Mehmet Ozkaya


Description AWS Lambda & Serverless - Developer Guide with Hands-on Labs

In this course, we will learn almost all the AWS Serverless Services with all aspects. We are going to build serverless applications with using

AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Step Functions, DynamoDB and Kinesis Streams

AWS Serverless Deployment Frameworks - IaC - Infrastructure as Code tools;



This course will be 100% hands-on, and you will be developing a real-world application with hands-on labs together and step by step, you can find main and sub topics;

Basics - Serverless Compute, APIs and Data Persistences

AWS Lambda - Serverless, Event-driven Compute Service

Amazon API Gateway - API-Driven Development for Synchronous Event Sources

Amazon DynamoDB -  Data persistence with NoSQL Serverless Database


Amazon Cognito - Authentication and Authorization in Serverless

Storing & Hosting

Amazon S3 - for Cloud Object Storage in order to store any type of data or deploy our web applications.

AWS Lambda Event-Driven Architectures and Invocation Types

AWS Lambda Best Practices and Event-driven Architecture

AWS Lambda - Asynchronous invocation

AWS Lambda - Lambda event source mappings

Application Integrations Services; Asynchronous Event Sources - Event-based Architectures

Amazon SNS  - Fully managed pub/sub messaging

Amazon SQS - Fully managed message queues - Message Queues for cross-service communication using (AWS SQS)

Amazon EventBridge - Decouple microservices with event-driven approaches

Application Orchestration Services

AWS Step Functions - orchestrate microservices into serverless workflows.

SAGA Pattern and apply SAGA pattern with different approaches;

Choreography-based SAGA with using Amazon EventBridge - which means Decouple microservices with events

Orchestration-based SAGA with using AWS Step Functions - which means Decouple microservices with orchestration way

Streams and Polling Event Source mapping

Amazon DynamoDB streams

Amazon Kinesis Data streams

Serverless Deployment Frameworks - Cloud stack development with IaC

CloudFormation -- Speed up cloud provisioning with infrastructure as code

AWS CDK -- AWS Serverless Deployments IaC with AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit)

Real-world Hands-on Labs:

We will develop almost 20 hands-on labs during the course. If we look at the some of the important hands-on labs of our course;

Hands-on Lab: Single Calculator Microservice Expose https methods with Lambda Function Url

Hands-on Lab: Build Serverless Chat App with a WebSocket API and Lambda

Hands-on Lab: Building RESTful Microservices with AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB

Hands-on Lab: Secure your API Gateway with Amazon Cognito User Pools

Hands-on Lab: Using an Amazon S3 trigger to invoke a Lambda function and persist on DynamoDB

Hands-on Lab: Fan-Out Serverless Architectures Using SNS, SQS and Lambda

Hands-on Lab: Process DynamoDB or Kinesis Streams using AWS Lambda for Change Data Capture of DynamoDB Tables

Hands-on Lab: AWS Serverless Microservices for Ecommerce Application using Amazon EventBridge

Hands-on Lab: Saga Pattern for Orchestrate Distributed Transactions using AWS Step Functions

Way of Learning:

This course is %100 hand-on course and include lots of development activities, that means we will develop codes for almost all aws services and interactions.

For each aws serverless services we will have 4 main part;

Theorical Information

AWS Service overview, core concepts, features, uses cases and general information

Walkthrough with AWS Management Console

AWS Service Walkthrough with AWS Management Console performs main use cases

Developing with AWS SDK

AWS Service Programmatic Access interaction with Serverless APIs using AWS SDK or CLI

Hands-on Labs with Real-World Use Cases

AWS Service Hands-on Labs implementation with Real-World Use Cases

These are 4 main topics that we are going to handle almost all aws serverless services. By this way we can cover for all aspects of any particular aws services.

In the course structure, when we finished any aws serverless services, we have at least 1 hands-on lab for particular aws services. For example if we finished Amazon SQS sections and understand the service, we will have several hands-on labs like Fan-out pattern implementations with Amazon SNS, or decouple microservices with Amazon EventBridge and so on. These will mostly includes combination of other AWS services that represents real-word applications.

And also in the last sections, we will see how we can do Cloud stack development - IaC with Serverless Deployment Frameworks for any particular aws serverless services. Develop infrastructure for all aws services and perform interactions with coding interactions.

AWS Developer and AWS Solution Architecture Jobs

This course prepares to you real AWS Developer and AWS Solution Architecture jobs, which's offers to you 3 figure salaries.

Because we are going to develop a real-world Serverless application which is already used and developed by lots of companies in the world.

Prepare your AWS Certification with Practical Way

AWS Certified Developer Associate

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate

Don't memorize all topics, feel and develop by hands-on, dirty your hands by this way you can achieve to onboard your target AWS jobs. This course will help you to prepare AWS Developer and Solutions Architect Associate certifications both theoretical and mostly practical way with developing Serverless applications.

By the end of this course, you'll learn how to design and developing aws serverless services with real-world hands-on project following the best practices.

You don't need any prior knowledge before the course I will explain both theoretical information and practical developments.

This course is Developer Guide so that means; the course will be includes %100 of hands-on development activities, mostly we will develop lambda functions with different use cases and integrations. All course steps will be developed step by step and to

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