Complete guide to building an app with .Net Core and React

Complete guide to building an app with .Net Core and React
Complete guide to building an app with .Net Core and React, The complete guide to building an app from start to finish using ASP.NET Core, React (with Typescript) and Mobx

HIGHEST RATED,Created by Neil Cummings, English, English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • Learn how to build an application from start to publishing with .Net Core (v2.2), React (with Typescript) and Mobx
  • How to build a Web API in .Net Core with Clean Architecture using the CQRS + Mediator pattern
  • How to use AutoMapper and MediatR packages in the .Net projects
  • How to build a multi-project solution with .Net Core
  • How to use Entity Framework Core as the Object Relational Mapper
  • How to integrate ASPNET Core SignalR into an application for real time web communication
  • How to add Identity and Authentication using .Net Core Identity
  • How to build a Client side application for the API with React
  • How to use MobX as a state management library
  • How to build our own Photo upload widget with a Dropzone and a Cropper to resize images

Have you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and React? Not sure where to go next? This course should be able to help with that. In this course we learn how to build a multi-project ASP.NET Core solution that is built using Clean Architecture and the CQRS and Mediator pattern that makes our code easy to understand, reason about and extend.

Both ASP.NET Core and React are hot topics and this course will enhance your knowledge of both, simply by building an application from start to finish. In each module we learn something new, whilst incrementally adding features to the application. Building an application is significantly more rewarding than building yet another Todo List from the documentation!

Every line of code is demonstrated and explained and by the end of this course you will have the skills and knowledge to build your own application using the techniques taught in this course.

Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:

Setting up the developer environment

Creating a multi-project solution using the the ASP.NET Core WebAPI and the React app using the DotNet CLI and the create-react-app utility.

Clean Architecture and the CQRS + Mediator pattern

Setting up and configuring ASP.NET Core identity for authentication

Using React with Typescript

Adding a Client side login and register function to our React application

Using React Router

Using AutoMapper in ASP.NET Core

Building a great looking UI using Semantic UI

Adding Photo Upload widget and creating user profile pages

Using React Final Form to create re-usable form inputs with validation

Paging, Sorting and Filtering

Using SignalR to enable real time web communication to a chat feature in our app

Publishing the application to both IIS and Linux

Getting an ‘A’ rating for security from a well known security scanning site.

Many more things as well

Tools you need for this course

In this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and fantastic) cross platform code editor. You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like... as long as it's Windows, Linux or Mac

Is this course for you?

This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you.

On this course we will build an example social network application that allows users to sign up to events (similar to MeetUp or Facebook), completely from scratch. All we start with is an empty terminal window or command prompt.

All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using ASP.NET Core and React

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Learn to build an e-commerce app with .Net Core and Angular
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