Understanding Node.js: Core Concepts

Understanding Node.js: Core Concepts

Understanding Node.js without any other NPM packages. Let's take your back-end engineering skills to the next level!

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Welcome to the most comprehensive Node.js course on the internet!

In this course, we're going to do a deep dive into Node.js itself without cluttering our minds with other tools and NPM packages and truly master this powerful technology.

This course is heavily focused on computer science topics and fundamentals that are crucial to understand for becoming a great back-end engineer. You can only properly understand Node.js and unlock its full power if you understand these other computer science topics. So that's why we will also learn these other vital topics so that you can truly master Node.js and take your back-end engineering skills to a whole new level.

We will also use all these vital concepts that we'll learn in practice by building various exciting projects just using Node.js.

This is an intense course for people who want to get to the top of the field and get to a level of driving innovation and making an impact within the industry instead of just scratching the surface and following a few software trends and tools.

Each section of the course is like its own mini-course, and by completing each section, you'll learn some essential Node.js, computer science and back-end engineering concepts that will help you not just if you want to use Node.js but throughout your whole career as a software engineer. These things will stay with you for years and decades to come.

Let's do a quick walkthrough about what you will accomplish after completing some of the sections:

Understanding Buffers: Here, we will deeply understand buffers and how to work directly with binary data, which is essential for all the other sections.

Understanding File System: As a back-end developer, you'll work with files a lot, be it saving some data to disk, handling file uploads and many other examples, so it's essential to have a good understanding of them, which you'll gain after completing this section. We'll also learn how Node.js deals with files and master the "fs" module.

Understanding Streams: In this section, we're going to master Streams, which will allow us to develop highly-performant apps capable of handling terabytes of data with ease while having great memory usage. We'll build many mini-projects throughout the section, including an encryption-decryption app from scratch that could encrypt terabytes of data by directly modifying the binary data. This section lays the foundation for future sections where we'll utilize Streams heavily to create powerful and efficient network applications.

Understanding Networking: Node.js was primarily designed to create network applications, so it's of utmost importance that we gain a decent understanding of networking, which we will do after completing this section. Here's a list of items we'll learn in this section:

What exactly a network is

How the internet works

Mac Addresses

IPV4 & IPv6 Addresses




Fundamentals of deployment

We'll build 2 low-level apps using only Node.js, a chat and a file uploader app directly on top of TCP! And then, we'll deploy them to a Linux server in the most basic way without using unnecessary tools.

We'll see exactly what happens in our network card, every single 0s and 1s exchanged for a particular thing using Wireshark, and gain a much better understanding of networking and how most of the well-known protocols like HTTP, FTP, Email protocols, SSH, DNS and many others work. This section will broaden your horizons, and you'll realize that there are far more things that you can do with Node.js than just creating web servers.

Understanding HTTP: In this section, we'll utilize and combine all that we've learned from previous sections and finally deeply understand HTTP once and for all! We won't be learning how to use Express; instead, we will build something similar ourselves!

We'll start by understanding the most important HTTP concepts, such as connection types, client-server model, messages, requests, responses, HTTP Methods, status codes, mime types, necessary headers and so much more. And then emulate an HTTP protocol directly on top of TCP using the net module and see precisely every single 0s and 1s that get exchanged for an HTTP request and response interaction!

Once we understand the fundamentals of HTTP and the "http" module, we'll take things to the next level and start building our framework. And then, using our framework, we'll make a fully functional web application.

This section will take your web development skills to the next level. You'll have a much better understanding of how all these popular NPM packages, like Express, body-parser, Multer, cors, etc., that are built on top of the "http" module work. Well, you'll learn how to make them from scratch, just using them will not be that much of a problem!

Please note that there are many more exciting sections to come! The course is still in production, and the expected date for the course completion is within the fall of 2024.

If at any point in the course, you get stuck or feel like you need more clarification on something, I will be there in the QA to help you every step of the way from start to finish! Sign up today, and let's master Node.js and take your back-end engineering skills to a whole new level!

Who this course is for:
  • Developers who are tired of jumping from one framework to another, tired of learning many different useless patterns, who want to step up their skills and get to an innovative point
  • Self-taught software developers who haven't focused on computer science concepts
  • NodeJS developers who still feel like they don't understand NodeJS even after using it for years
  • Back-end developers aspiring to take things to the next level and lead change in the industry instead of following trends
  • Developers who want to understand things at a much deeper level
  • Computer science students eager to apply their academic knowledge in real-world scenarios
  • Beginner and intermediate developers who want to learn how to make more informed and effective decisions in their learning journey for years ahead

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